
Paroles de Wanting Things par Connie Francis (lyrics)

Wanting Things par Connie Francis

Tell me how long must I keep
Wanting things
Needing things
When I have so much?

There are many men who have much less than me
Day by day
They walk their way
And they find more in life than I can see

Tell me, when will I learn to resist
Wanting things
Touching things
That say: Do, do not touch?

People that I meet seem to think I am strong
They don’t see
Inside of me
So they don’t know I’m weak and often wrong

Tell me, why must I keep
Wanting things
Needing things
That just can’t be mine?
Oh, wanting things
That just can’t be mine?

  • Titre la chanson : Wanting Things
  • Par : Connie Francis
  • Hashtags populaires : #Wanting

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