
Paroles de A Brighter Love par St. Lucia (lyrics)

A Brighter Love par St. Lucia

Speak to me now
When I’m asleep and there’s nobody to depend on me
Hold out your hand
‘Cause I’ve been drifting and sometimes I need some sympathy

I tried to be what they want
I lost myself, I lost my feet, I lost my memories
Now in silence I wait
I need your touch, I need your face, I need you

‘Cause I’m searching for a night light in the dark
A brighter love, a brighter love
And I’m searching for the undiluted heart
A brighter love, a brighter love

So now it’s all come to this
What was the purpose?
I assumed that everything would pass
I gave myself to the night
I walked alone, I fell asleep on empty streets

Now I see that
All this time my eyes were open
And all this time I didn’t close them
And the headlights play upon the ocean
I will stay this way
‘Cause I see you, I see you now

I’m searching for a night light in the dark
A brighter love, a brighter love
I’m searching for the undiluted heart
A brighter love, a brighter love
I’m hoping that somehow I’ll find my way
To a brighter love, a brighter love
Keep hoping ’til the night straight falls apart
A brighter love, a brighter love

So I’m searching for a night light in the dark
A brighter love, a brighter love
And I’m searching for the undiluted heart
A brighter love, a brighter love
I’m hoping that somehow I’ll find my way
To a brighter love, a brighter love
Keep hoping till the night straight falls apart
A brighter love, a brighter love

  • Titre la chanson : A Brighter Love
  • Par : St. Lucia
  • Hashtags populaires : #Brighter #Love

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