
Paroles de Bird On a Wire par The Lions

Bird On a Wire _ The Lions

I wake up in the morning, yet I still feel tired
So many times I want to fly away
But my wings are on fire
Said my wings they are on fire

The day that I fly away
That’s my souls one desire
Even if I don’t reach the sky
I want to get higher than a bird on a wire

Bird on a wire
Higher than a bird on a wire

Who ever says we’ve reached equality for all
Must be blind or liars
Let me love and let me be loved or let me expire
Let me love or let me expire

The day that I fly away
That’s my souls true desire
Even if I don’t reach the sky
I want to get higher than a bird on a wire

Bird on a wire
Higher than a bird on a wire

  • Titre la chanson : Bird On a Wire
  • Par : The Lions
  • Hashtags populaires : #Bird #Wire

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