
Paroles de Find me Here par Simple Offering

Find me Here _ Simple Offering

I am like a small boat on the ocean
Completely at the mercy of its waves
Your voice is calling
Breaking through the storm
Breaking through the storm

I wandered so far
Forgot I had a home
I fall into your arms
It took me so long
To let you find me here
Find me here

I walk in the valley of darkness but
I’m still a child in your house, oh, father
You hold me close in the light of your love
I need your love

I wandered so far
I forgot I had a home
I fall into your arms
It took me so long
To let you find me here
Find me here

I once was lost but now I’m found
A broken mess you picked me up
My thirst is quenched
My hunger filled
Since you alone forgive me still

I wandered so far
I forgot I had a home
I fall into your arms
It took me so long
To let you find me here
Find me here

Now I’m here in your arms to stay
Now I’m here in your arms to stay
Now I’m here in your arms to stay
Now I’m here in your arms to stay

  • Titre la chanson : Find me Here
  • Par : Simple Offering
  • Hashtags populaires : #Find

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