
Paroles de Frank par Just Mustard (lyrics)

Frank par Just Mustard

I watch tv to fall asleep
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try to leave

I watch tv to fall asleep
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try to leave

Ay, ay, ay

I watch tv to fall asleep
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try to leave

I watch tv, I try to leave
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try leave

I watch tv to fall asleep
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try to leave

I watch tv, I try to leave
And I can’t fly in my dreams
And I’m content with what I see
In myself, I try leave

  • Titre la chanson : Frank
  • Par : Just Mustard
  • Hashtags populaires : #Frank

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