
Paroles de If a Bird par Isaac Gill (lyrics)

If a Bird – Isaac Gill

It’s illogical
But then did anything ever make much sense?
You have to have an open ear
Too see the beauty of a mystery
Unfurling before your very eyes
It’ll pass you up like a bird in the sky

Crack heads and preacher’s wives
All must enter in through the narrow gate
And someday you’ll have to make a choice
And if you don’t believe
Then you don’t believe

But if a bird could find a way
To build its nest in the loneliest parts of the jungle
Then you know that I would find a way
To build a home inside your heart

But if a bird could find a way
To build its nest in the loneliest parts of the jungle
Then you know that I would find a way
To build a home inside your heart

You know that I
You know that I
You know that I
You know that I

  • Titre la chanson : If a Bird
  • Par : Isaac Gill
  • Hashtags populaires : #Bird

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