
Paroles de Let It Roar par Hammercult (lyrics)

Let It Roar – Hammercult

Burning, the will of my heart
Passion, desire and blood
Fast lanes, wind blows in my hair
The rubber is starting to char

Fire, flames in my eyes
I’m burning inside – I live to ride
Rage and power divine, ambition and pride

Let it roar
What are you living for?
This is all I know
Cause there’s no return
I don’t give a fuck

Yearning, I only live once
And die when I’m ready to go
Not yet! The voice of my soul
Screams what I already know

I’m living hard and I’m riding fast
An iron horse
I’m built to last
Push the engine, paddle to the floor
I feel the fire, I let it roar

  • Titre la chanson : Let It Roar
  • Par : Hammercult
  • Hashtags populaires : #Roar

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