
Paroles de Not Around par Ritt Momney

Not Around par Ritt Momney

I picked you up from the airport
Your smile didn’t feel the same
Asked you a question then watched as
You shot it down like a plane
And I’m not being too dramatic
I’m the one who bought your flight

I knew I shouldn’t have told you
How much I make a week
And we both think that it’s stupid
That they pay me just to sing
And I can sing for you for free
But it’s just never quite as special

As the first time I sang you
‘First Day of My Life’
We both thought Bright Eyes was old news
But the song still made you smile
And I feel like it’s been a while
Since your light shone on my account

But when you’re not around
I turn into something
I’m not lost or found
I’m neither, I’m nothing
When you’re not around
There’s not much to say
Hear me yelling out loud
My love went away hear me shout

  • Titre la chanson : Not Around
  • Par : Ritt Momney
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