
Paroles de Orphan Limbs par Emma Ruth Rundle (lyrics)

Orphan Limbs par Emma Ruth Rundle

Confession of the present, experience of being
Proposals of deformity, ugly and grotesque
Hear his songs echo rising from the depths of that wide trench

Confession of the present, experience of being
Proposals of deformity, ugly and grotesque
Hear his songs echo rising from the depths of that wide trench

Frenzy! Shrieks! Revel! Flesh!
The pulp of our existence soaked in a greed for higher vitality

Confession of the present, experience of being
Proposals of deformity, ugly and grotesque
Hear his songs echo rising from the depths of that wide trench
Of that wide trench!

The pulp of our existence soaked in a greed for higher vitality!

  • Titre la chanson : Orphan Limbs
  • Par : Emma Ruth Rundle
  • Hashtags populaires : #Orphan #Limbs

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