
Paroles de Puppet par From The Messenger

Puppet — From The Messenger

Can we please pretend
That I am something more than what I am?

There is no such thing as a happy ending
And I can’t pretend
That I’m something more that I am

A little wooden man
I’ve try to call for help
But I can not make a sound

There is no such thing as a happy ending
And I can’t pretend
That I’m something more that I am

A little wooden man
Make me dance, I’m your puppet
I try to move but I’m helding
By the power of your hand

There is no such thing as a happy ending
And I’m keep pretending
That I’m something more that I am

A little wooden man
Make me dance, I’m your puppet

  • Titre la chanson : Puppet
  • Par : From The Messenger
  • Hashtags populaires : #Puppet

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