
Paroles de Rooftops (feat. Christina Novelli) par Super8 & Tab

Rooftops (feat. Christina Novelli) _ Super8 & Tab

We were two lost city kids
We found each other on the way side down
We shared homes
We shared tears
We shared dreams

Life is moving quickly
Ten years past in a blink of an eye
But to me, nothin’’s change, we’’re the same

Do you remember
How we used to stay up drinking
To the only hours what were we thinking
The young and the reckless
Summertime, the party never ended
Sunset, sunrise, we were stargazing
Rooftops, skylark, dancing to the baseline
Chasing those highs, all the time
Who said we gotta grow old?

Who said we gotta grow old?
Oh, till the day I die
Till the day I die
Till the day I die
Oh, Till the day I die
Do you remember

How we used to stay up drinking
To the only hours what were we thinking
The young and the reckless
Summertime, the party never ended
Sunset, sunrise, we were stargazing
Rooftops, skylark, dancing to the baseline
Chasing those highs, all the time
Who said we gotta grow old?

  • Titre la chanson : Rooftops (feat. Christina Novelli)
  • Par : Super8 & Tab
  • Hashtags populaires : #Rooftops #feat #Christina #Novelli

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