Same Shit — Days N’ Daze
I’m so fucking sick and tired
Of the same old situation
And the same old goddamn problems
Can’t escape from the cage I built myself inside my brain
I locked myself in the cell and threw the key away
Obsessive compulsive, addicted, impulsive
And fucked in the head
And I’ll never change
Same shit on a different day
You work work work
Till you waste away
What’s the point
What’s the reason for breathing
When nothing’s exciting
And nobody’s dreamin’
Just keep runnin’ in place
Keep a steady pace
In the rat race time keeps ticking down
Add another tally to the cell wall
Work until they dress ya up
And drop you six feet down
And you let you’re eyes glaze over
Stomp out your fire and phone it
In leave your black clothes
Hung up in the closet
Cause how can mourn
A life never lived
Imagine one day you wake up
And realize that all of the shit that you got
Is just arbitrary and monetary
‘Cause somewhere along the way you forgot
Forgot how to play
Forgot how to dream
Never saw all the places you wanted to see
But don’t worry my friend
I promise that there’s still time
Burn all the couches
Tear down the schools
Fuck all the bosses
Defy all the rules
It’s there for the taking
Remember that it’s your life
New chance every single day
To chew off the collar and pave the way
Go out and set the world on fire
If your hearts still beating in your chest
Why wait?
- Titre la chanson : Same Shit
- Par : Days N’ Daze
- Hashtags populaires : #Shit
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