
Paroles de Shadows par Dissimulator

Shadows par Dissimulator

I spared your life today
That’s a debt I intend to collect!

Rewind the clocks
This is the hour
The tower of babel

Shoot your arrows towards the sky
You will behold a king who will not be challenged
Now you will wander until you die

There’s nothing new underneath the Sun
We continue to fight, but the battle’s already been won
As we continue to rebel we only bury ourselves deeper into hell

Into hell

Deeper and deeper into the darkness they descend
Never to return
Never to be seen again

They bear the mark of the fallen angel
An army gathered from the darkest of places
They wrought death upon the land
Their hatred consumes everything in their path

They bear the mark of the fallen angel
An army gathered from the darkest of places
They wrought death upon the land
Against their corruption we must make a stand

All hell cannot contain
The power of the risen king
Satan will be defeated
We will stand by and watch him fall

They bear the mark of the fallen angel
They bear the mark of the fallen one
They bear the mark of the fallen angel
They bear the mark of the fallen one

You bear the mark
You bear the mark
You bear the mark

Deeper and deeper into the darkness they descend
Never to return, never to be seen again

I spared your life today
That’s a debt I intend to collect
You bear the mark of the fallen angel (fallen angel)
Deeper and deeper into the darkness they will descend
Never to return, never to be seen again

  • Titre la chanson : Shadows
  • Par : Dissimulator
  • Hashtags populaires : #Shadows

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