Thanos Vs J Robert Oppenheimer — Epic Rap Battles Of History
I am inevitable, immeasurable, inexorable, monstrous
With bars weighing on you harder than your haunting guilty conscience!
I am Thanos, and I crush tracks like Tesseracts in my palm!
You’re a pencil-pushing Terran who never learned to love his bomb!
Seems you started off a chemist, and on your world you were a prodigy
Well, that makes sense, ’cause your rhymes are only hot periodically!
Man, I burned the Avengers down to embers, sent half your planet to be slaughtered
And now I’m offing Oppenheimer like I did to my daughter!
Got a fist of gold when I’m rapping, six Infinity Gems what I’m packing!
Stick your tiny nuclear dick back into your pants, Dr. Manhattan!
Hadron smashing all your atoms, best not collide with me when I’m rhyming
‘Cause you break and bleed so easy, I think I’ll call you Oppen-hymen!
It’s impossible to top me, Oppie, you just don’t have the stones!
Apparently the only thing you’re good at wrecking is a home
‘Cause you slept with your friend’s wife, right there in your friend’s bed
Then got another married girl pregnant. You should’ve gone for the head
[J. Robert Oppenheimer]
Listening to you took everything I have left
After your raps, I am become deaf
You need an Iron, Man, for that wrinkly-ass skin
And that butt, butt, butt, butt, butt, butt chin! (Here we go now.)
Where’s your rhythm? I thought you had the Time Stone
Your punchlines sound like they came from RhymeZone
You might be something in the MCU
But between us? Who’s the worst MC? You!
Your dialogue’s got too many breaks in the syllables
You talk so slow, Drax thinks you’re invisible
I cause chain reactions when I’m lyrical
‘Cause I’ve got that fissile material!
You were born to Eternals, but came out looking so scary
That your own mother tried to make you a Temporary
Meanwhile, I’ve mastered the atom more than any man alive
Now I’m here to split you like 2 and 3 from 5
I’m a peaceful man, but I do what I must
You had an evil plan, Thanos, and it left you in the dust!
It must leave you enraged, when you compare our talents
Because in this battle, there is no balance!
For a communist pariah, you come off as awfully cocky
But I’ll make you bend the knee in round two like Nagasaki!
I’m the box office topper, the Marvel showstopper!
Got my name on this win like it’s the Thanoscopter!
You just got no answer, for Fortnite’s dopest dancer!
I will Loki choke you out like my name was throat cancer!
[J. Robert Oppenheimer]
You wanna talk about Death? How about the one that looked at you and swiped left?
I’m the destroyer of worlds, you got your nuts handed to you by a Squirrel Girl!
We’re in the Endgame now, Tinky Winky
I’ll finish this like Ant-Man: All up in your stinky!
Anyone who believes that « Thanos did nothing wrong » crap
Has obviously never heard you rap!
Oh snap
- Titre la chanson : Thanos Vs J Robert Oppenheimer
- Par : Epic Rap Battles Of History
- Hashtags populaires : #Thanos #Robert #Oppenheimer
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