
Paroles de The Perfect Dose par Hooverphonic

The Perfect Dose — Hooverphonic

Yesterday the martians came
They weren’t yellow green or grey
They looked a bit like us with a funny nose
Linguistic problems never occurred
Dyslectic creatures, mocking birds
They talked a little strange
A bit like Mo

More tempting than Julianne Moore
More funny than Carry Grant

Yesterday the martians came
The trip had made them a little pale
They came from very far but yet so close
Not closer than the corner shop
But still they were so on top
Saving their own ship with a fire hose

Using the perfect dose
Turning the river dry

More tempting than Julianne Moore
More funny than Carry Grant

  • Titre la chanson : The Perfect Dose
  • Par : Hooverphonic
  • Hashtags populaires : #Perfect #Dose

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