
Paroles de Alpha And Omega / You Are Holy par Steffany Gretzinger (lyrics)

Alpha And Omega / You Are Holy par Steffany Gretzinger

You are Alpha and Omega
We worship You Our Lord
You are worthy to be praised
You are Alpha and Omega
We worship You Our Lord
You are worthy to be praised

We give You all the glory
You are worthy to be praised
We give You all the glory
You are worthy to be praised

You are Alpha and Omega
We worship You Our Lord
You are worthy to be praised
We give You all the glory
You are worthy to be praised

I saw the Lord
Seated on His throne
He was clothed in glory
Exalted high
And the train of His robe
Fills the temple
And the angels circled around Him
And they cried

They cried You are Holy
Oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all
You are Holy
Oh so holy
You are holy Lord of all

  • Titre la chanson : Alpha And Omega / You Are Holy
  • Par : Steffany Gretzinger
  • Hashtags populaires : #Alpha #Omega #Holy

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