
Paroles de Best Parts Of Me par Will Dempsey

Best Parts Of Me par Will Dempsey

I can still remember the first time I saw
Those brown eyes staring into mine
It was in that moment I felt a love
That I never knew I would find

Its like God took my heart right out of my chest
And wrapped it all up in a little pink dress
Then painted the most beautiful smile in the world
And topped it all off with brown hair and curls
The day he made my baby girl

Because the best parts of me
Were given to you
And I hope that all of your dreams come true
And as time goes by I want you to know
That I’ll be with you where ever you go
And you’ll always be my baby girl

Shes as sweet as the syrup she dripped on her dress
Wont leave the house if her hair is a mess
And you should see her dancing
When she thinks she’s alone

Or the snaps she sends me from her momma’s phone
And I’ve made so many mistakes in my life
At least I did one thing right
My baby girl

Because the best parts of me
Were given to you
And I hope that all of your dreams come true
And as time goes by I want you to know
That I’ll be with you where ever you go
And you’ll always be my baby girl

There’ll be some hard times you’ll face in this life
But just say the word And I’m by your side
And all those bandaids, and heartbreaks
And days that go wrong you’ll never face them alone

Because those best parts of me
Will never leave you
Wherever you go, whatever you do

And if there comes a time
When I’m not around
You know where I’ll be found

My baby girl
My baby girl
My baby girl

  • Titre la chanson : Best Parts Of Me
  • Par : Will Dempsey
  • Hashtags populaires : #Parts

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