
Paroles de Cariad par 2002

Cariad par 2002

Come to me my Cariad
Come to cwtch and pray
Hold me close now Cariad
Until the dawn’s first ray

Close your eyes now, Cariad
And cwtch up close to see
The Moon and the stars are yours tonight
Safe and sound with me

At last asleep, my Cariad
Asleep in loving arms
The cwtch of love is ours tonight
In peace and care and calm

Close your eyes now, Cariad
And cwtch up close to see
The Moon and the stars are yours tonight
Safe and sound with me

Friends and lovers by your side
In the years to come
Cwtch them close, my Cariad
As you and I have done

Close your eyes now, Cariad
And cwtch up close to see
The Moon and the stars are yours tonight
Safe and sound with me

  • Titre la chanson : Cariad
  • Par : 2002
  • Hashtags populaires : #Cariad

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