
Paroles de Ghosts par Natasha Blume (lyrics)

Ghosts par Natasha Blume

I’ve been sitting, staring at you now
For minutes you can see that
Ending for you
No celebrating not even at our own beginning
Killer for two

You’re standing there saying sorry you can’t help me
You leave me buried in an unmarked grave
Watching you
As my remains slowly disappear

And I follow you
Like a gho-o-o-st
Like a gho-o-ost
Like a gho-o-ost
Like a ghost

Other people freak out when they see
Us like this
If you need me
I’ll be in your bedroom
Searching for more

You’re standing there
Saying sorry you can’t help me
You leave me buried in an unmarked grave
Watching you
As my remains slowly disappear

And I follow you
Like a gho-o-o-st
Like a gho-o-st
Like a gho-o-o-st
Like a ghost

Open your eyes
You have another chance to make it right
Hunt me for life
We’ll go over and over
And over and over
Over and over
And over

Like a gho-o-o-st
Like a gho-o–st
Like a gho-o-o-st
Like a ghost

Watching you
As my remains slowly disappear
And I follow you

  • Titre la chanson : Ghosts
  • Par : Natasha Blume
  • Hashtags populaires : #Ghosts

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