
Paroles de Ghosts par Nathan Wagner

Ghosts par Nathan Wagner

I stared into the mirror
And I refused to cry
In the dusty glass I know
A piece of me had died
I felt into my soul
But the soil made it rise
Still I can hear him speak to me
When the creatures come at night

There’s a ghost in my soul
A haunted home inside my mind
There’s a wraith in my eyes
And when I cry
It all goes black

Continue in my ways I try to
Run from all my past
But I hear their chilling voices
Come for their attack
I try to shove them deeper down
But they keep on breaking out
I knew I couldn’t get away
Had to let them stick around

There’s a ghost in my soul
A haunted home inside my mind
There’s a wraith in my eyes
And when I cry
It all goes black

As I heard the voices
Although I couldn’t see
Was sick of all this fear
I cried out
What do you want from me?
They cackled and they laughed
But one said
We could never leave
Really we’re just part of you
That you thought you couldn’t keep
When you held back tears thought that
You are being brave
But truly you just murdered us
And locked us in this grave

There’s a ghost in my soul
A haunted home inside my mind
There’s a wraith in my eyes
And when I cry
It all goes black

  • Titre la chanson : Ghosts
  • Par : Nathan Wagner
  • Hashtags populaires : #Ghosts

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