
Paroles de Golden Time par Summer Soul

Golden Time – Summer Soul

I know where we’re heading to
Can we not?
Hold my hands
Don’t fall apart
I’m so scared

Maybe we can run away
Come with me
Take me to the heaven where it stays the same

Can’t you stay with me?
Thanks for trusting me
Loved you all my life
Sweet kisses

I can give you my heart heart heart
I can give you my heart heart heart
I can give you my heart heart heart

Remember every single thing what you do
Memories are only way to make you stay

You and I are seem to be everything
If you leave there’ll never be another you

Can’t you stay with me?
Thanks for trusting me
Loved you all my life
Sweet kisses

I can give you my heart heart heart
I can give you my heart heart heart
I can give you my heart heart heart

  • Titre la chanson : Golden Time
  • Par : Summer Soul
  • Hashtags populaires : #Golden #Time

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