
Paroles de If Only par Void Of Vision (lyrics)

If Only par Void Of Vision

Call me apathetic
Crumble down on top of me, forget it’s so pathetic
Don’t pity me, I’m fucking dead already

Call me miserable
All that I have ever been to you
This overwhelming misfortune
Let it consume you, let this destroy you
Now we’re all doomed

Deadweight don’t fail me now
The water is never enough
Deadweight don’t let me down
Your heart is as cold as your blood
Deadweight just let me drown

Call me predictable
You think I place myself on pedestals?
How could I? My hands are full and they’re still holding onto you

Hold on, I’m slipping through the cracks

Deadweight don’t fail me now
The water is never enough
Deadweight don’t let me down
Your heart is as cold as your blood
Deadweight just let me drown

Deadweight don’t fail me now
Please don’t let me down
Let me drown

Deadweight don’t fail me now
The water is never enough
Deadweight don’t let me down
Your heart is as cold as your blood
Deadweight just let me drown

  • Titre la chanson : If Only
  • Par : Void Of Vision
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