
Paroles de Let Your Hair Down par Edimar Negão (lyrics)

Let Your Hair Down par Edimar Negão

It’s true
You’re always smiling
You always sing
On rainy days
Then you dance
Oh, you dance!

It’s true
You take your time
You have that feeling
On those sad days
You’re, so alive!

Hey you!
Be whoever you want
Raise your voice
Up to the sky and move on
And follow your voice
Make your choice

Let your hair down
So beautiful and happy
And you defy, inspire
So real be yourself

You can, you can, you can
Cause you are free
(You’re so free)

Let your hair down
So beautiful and happy
And you defy, inspire
So real be yourself

You can, you can, you can
Cause you are free
(You’re so free)

Hey you!
Be whoever you want
Raise your voice
Up to the sky and move on
And follow your voice
Make your choice

Let your hair down
So beautiful and happy
And you defy, inspire
So real be yourself

You can, you can, you can
Cause you are free
(You’re so free)

Let your hair down
So beautiful and happy
And you defy, inspire
So real be yourself

You can, you can, you can
Cause you are free
(You’re so free)

You can, you can, you can
You’re so free

  • Titre la chanson : Let Your Hair Down
  • Par : Edimar Negão
  • Hashtags populaires : #Hair

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