
Paroles de Ready To Go par Fabiano Negri (lyrics)

Ready To Go _ Fabiano Negri

Since she was born, everyone knew
Her eyes showed fire
We just run, we can’t hide!

They tried to kill her only love
But her evil signs spell every man anytime

Don’t you understand the highest power she carried inside?
They tried to believe that she’s in trouble till the end of times

She was ready to go

You telled the story
I don’t refuse
I saw this woman and, hurried, I agreed with my eyes

The magic changed since she was gone
‘Cause light’s go down in the refugee paradise

Don’t you understand the highest power she carried inside
They tried to believe that she’s in trouble till the end of times

She was ready to go

  • Titre la chanson : Ready To Go
  • Par : Fabiano Negri
  • Hashtags populaires : #Ready

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