
Paroles de Song of Trouble par Sufjan Stevens (lyrics)

Song of Trouble – Sufjan Stevens

The endless night, the shadow of the valley
The fading light where innocence is dead
I call to each of every angel out there
But i am left with nothing but a cloud

(Trouble) who will be the last to laugh?
(Trouble) so near to me i had to ask
(Trouble) have you seen my confidence?
(Trouble) why can’t you put an end to this?

And through the night i make a resolution
That i must try to be a compliment
So i refrain the secret song of trouble
If it’s impossible i’m moving on

(Struggle) focus on the evidence
(Struggle) so everything was made for this
(Struggle) rise above your consequences
(Struggle) why can’t you put an end to this?


  • Titre la chanson : Song of Trouble
  • Par : Sufjan Stevens
  • Hashtags populaires : #Song #Trouble

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