
Paroles de Unreal par River Rise Band (lyrics)

Unreal _ River Rise Band

It’s fine, you lied and tried to be unkind
At the same time, it makes me wonder
In the meantime, you pretend not to see how we are
Between things, beyond things, nothing about the love

But if you think about it, it’s not strange
It’s the way, it’s just the way who you are

It truly doesn’t matter, just be who you are
You really disappoint me, don’t you know?
I think it’s so much better this way

It’s fine, I think I’ve been wasting my time
And it really makes me wonder
At the same time, you pretend not to see who you are
You become unreal as you’re getting older

But if you think about it, it is not strange
It is the way, it is just the way who you are

It truly doesn’t matter, just be who you are
You really disappoint me, don’t you know?
I think it’s so much better this way

  • Titre la chanson : Unreal
  • Par : River Rise Band
  • Hashtags populaires : #Unreal

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