
Paroles de We Are Incurable Romantics par Ozark Henry (lyrics)

We Are Incurable Romantics _ Ozark Henry

There’s nothing we can do about it
We are incurable romantics
We’re here only for the ride
We are incurable romantics
To cross the ocean that’s between us
We are incurable romantics
To look the monster in the eyes
We are incurable romantics
If for once I could catch a butterfly
You are an incurable romantic
In the heap I’ll tread you like a lady

To save yourself
To save your world
The dragon were after, is the sweetest thing on earth
It’s showing us a way, to heaven

Since you there’s after and there’s before
You are an incurable romantic
Same world but different hallways and doors
You are an incurable romantic
In my head nothing’s making sense
You are an incurable romantic
I see flares no one fired, baby

To save yourself
To save your world
The dragon we chase, is the sweetest thing on earth
It’s showing us a way, to heaven

We’ll crash and burn to see the crown
« It might be worth it » , spoke the clown
So who’s the clown?

I’ll swim the ocean that’s between us
You are an incurable romantic
I’ll look the monster in the eye
You are an incurable romantic
Far and near, velvet and veneer
You are an incurable romantic
I have thoughts, thoughts I truly fear

  • Titre la chanson : We Are Incurable Romantics
  • Par : Ozark Henry
  • Hashtags populaires : #Incurable #Romantics

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