
Paroles de We Come To Ruins par Sirenia (lyrics)

We Come To Ruins par Sirenia

Feel the walls crumbling all around me
We come to ruins eventually
Years of deteriorating
The pain, excruciating
How did it all ever come to this

I stare into a descending Sun
I fall into oblivion
I falter into wastelands and beyond
I comprehend what my life has become

Indifferent faces circle around
As I am lowered into the ground
Years of deteriorating
The pain, excruciating
Pass me that burial mound

I stare into a descending Sun
I fall into oblivion
I falter into wastelands and beyond
I comprehend what my life has become

We are all waning
We are all fading away
Like a forget-me-not
On a midwinters day

I stare into a descending Sun
I fall into oblivion
I falter into wastelands and beyond
I comprehend what my life has become

I stare into a descending Sun
I fall into oblivion
I falter into wastelands and beyond
I comprehend what my life has become

  • Titre la chanson : We Come To Ruins
  • Par : Sirenia
  • Hashtags populaires : #Ruins

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