
Paroles de Wildfire (feat. Chris McCall) par YWAM Kona Music (lyrics)

Wildfire (feat. Chris McCall) par YWAM Kona Music

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire

Your spirit is upon me
I cannot contain it
Your love burns so fierce in my bones
This messege of the gospel
Your burning for the lost souls
Your heart to see the broken made whole

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire

You’re calling home the orphan
You’re giving joyful morning
Prodigal son running home

You heal the broken hearted
Redeeming your beloved
This is when heaven comes close

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let this flame in our hearts
Become a wildfire, a wildfire

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let this flame in our hearts
Become a wildfire, a wildfire

Let every heart ignite whit
The fire of the one true love
Let every heart ignite whit
The fire of the one true love
Let every heart ignite whit
The fire of the one true love

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let this flame in our hearts
Become a wildfire, a wildfire
Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let this flame in our hearts
Become a wildfire, a wildfire

Let every heart ignite whit
The fire of the one true love
Let every heart ignite whit
The fire of the one true love

Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire
Let it be a wildfire, a wildfire

  • Titre la chanson : Wildfire (feat. Chris McCall)
  • Par : YWAM Kona Music
  • Hashtags populaires : #Wildfire #feat #Chris #McCall

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