
Paroles de World Behind My Face par John Entwistle

World Behind My Face _ John Entwistle

When I’m happy my face splits open in a smile
Light shines inside my eyes
When I’m sad my mouth hangs down and tears flow
From my eyes as I cry

The world behind my face
Is a lonely place no one’s ever been
And all I ever see
Is a dream that I know can never be

And I’m driving the biggest, the fastest car
I live in luxury, most important man in town
Then I come around and what do I see?
The tired dreamer that is really me

If I had my life to live again, I’d end up just the same
Everything lost and nothing gained
When a loser leaves the earth only his dreams remain
The world behind his face remains

The world behind my face
Is a lonely place no one’s ever been
And all I ever see
Is a dream that I know can never be

And I’m the king of the world and everyone bows to me
His royal majesty
Then I come around and what do I see?
The tired dreamer that is really me

The world behind my face
Is a lonely place no one’s ever been
And all I ever see
Is a dream that I know can never be

And I’m the king of the world and everyone bows to me
His royal majesty
Then I come around and what do I see?
The tired dreamer that is really me

  • Titre la chanson : World Behind My Face
  • Par : John Entwistle
  • Hashtags populaires : #World #Face

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