
Paroles de The Primitives Talk par Zach Hill

The Primitives Talk par Zach Hill

Burnt onto my sight and later on the nerve
Weather on a spree, I’m a missing person
I’m not supposed to understand your words
No splitting personalities
Don’t force it all

Why is everyone’s face blurred?
Tell me that you saw what I just saw

‘Cause the days are crossing out
The primitives talk
Going higher than that now

Breaking down a box
Just because it works
The sky starts from here, where it really hurt
The meaningless behavior of the mirror
Dizzy from a decade of sleeping

Why is everyone’s face blurred?
I don’t think I’m supposed to understand

‘Cause the days are crossing out
The primitives talk
Going higher than that now

The primitives talk

Because the days will cross me out
The primitives talk
Going higher than that now

  • Titre la chanson : The Primitives Talk
  • Par : Zach Hill
  • Hashtags populaires : #Primitives #Talk

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